Yoshito Takenishi

Yoshito Takenishi's journey in the world of pottery is a remarkable blend of tradition and innovation. Born into a family with a deep-rooted history in pottery, he inherited Keisen-gama, a kiln established by his father in 1966 in Tobe, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. Takenishi's dedication to his craft is evident in his perseverance and commitment to innovation, particularly in the creation of Joshua Blue, a unique and rich deep blue color that has become a signature of his pottery.

The development of Joshua Blue is a testament to Takenishi's tireless pursuit of perfection. Over five years, he engaged in rigorous experimentation, refining techniques and colors, ultimately resulting in a gradient that epitomizes the beauty and uniqueness of his Tobe ware. This dedication, however, came at a personal cost, as the intense process led to the development of severe tenosynovitis, impacting his ability to perform even simple tasks like holding chopsticks.

Despite these challenges, Takenishi's passion for pottery never wavered. He continues to honor the legacy of his father by preserving traditional techniques while simultaneously pushing the boundaries of Tobe ware. His work, especially the striking Joshua Blue, not only reflects his mastery of the craft but also his commitment to creating timeless beauty in pottery. Takenishi's story is a powerful reminder of the blend of heritage and innovation that can exist in traditional arts, and how personal sacrifice often accompanies the pursuit of artistic excellence.