Breakfast at home or at a cafe?

Breakfast at home or at a cafe?

In the mid-90s, I lived in in Hanoi, Vietnam.  I remember that one of the things that surprised me was that many people eat breakfast at restaurants.   Having breakfast at restaurants in Japan was not so popular at the time I think (maybe it’s because I wasn’t up that early when I was younger!). 

These days in Japan there seems to be many more eat-out breakfast options.  Of course, Starbucks and casual chain restaurants (fami-resu) are abundant, but old Japanese-style cafes are popular too.  At such places, when you order a cup of coffee you often get a slice a toast and a boiled egg for free.  The toast is thick sliced generously spread with margarine (not butter unfortunately), and the boiled egg is placed in a ceramic egg cup inside a basket with the toast. I sometimes choose anko (red bean paste) instead of a boiled egg (shown in the photo). Amazingly, the "morning set" is about $5!

Looking around, you can see the place is filled with people of all ages, from young families with children to elderly couples.  Some cafes have newspapers, magazines, and even comic books, and there is usually a power outlet and Wi-Fi for those working or studying.

When you have a chance to visit Japan, you should definitely give it a try.  It is worth getting up early for!